Posts in vaccines
A Harvard Doctor and a Medical Student Team up to Bring the COVID-19 Vaccines Directly to Their Patients

This short article and video highlight how a Harvard doctor and medical student decided to increase vaccination rates in underserved neighborhoods in Boston by founding GOTVax. They use tactics from the organization Get Out to Vote in order to reach community members. The methods used by GOTVax may be helpful for future mobile clinics trying to increase vaccination rates and make vaccines more accessible.

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Guidance for Vaccinating Older Adults and People with Disabilities: Ensuring Equitable COVID-19 Vaccine Access

As COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts continue, older adults and individuals with disabilities may still face challenges to accessing the vaccine or reaching vaccination sites. These resources from the CDC outline key considerations and examples to ensure more equitable and accessible distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for populations of older adults and people with disabilities.

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