Posts in health equity
Racism Under the Microscope

Beyond the White Coat is a podcast dedicated to discussing different issues and topics affecting American medicine and academic medicine. Racism Under the Microscopes summarize the past season of the podcast in which they discuss systemic racism and its implications for the health of BIPOC. This is an informative starting point for health care workers looking to learn about systemic racism in medicine.

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Highlighting The Night Ministry's Innovative Use of Telehealth Technology

This week we would like to celebrate the efforts of The Night Ministry’s Street Medicine team of health care providers, social workers, and outreach professionals that bring care directly to medically underserved areas throughout Chicago. The struggles of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a sharp uptick in opioid-related overdoses and deaths, especially amongst Chicago’s local homeless populations.

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Guidance for Vaccinating Older Adults and People with Disabilities: Ensuring Equitable COVID-19 Vaccine Access

As COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts continue, older adults and individuals with disabilities may still face challenges to accessing the vaccine or reaching vaccination sites. These resources from the CDC outline key considerations and examples to ensure more equitable and accessible distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for populations of older adults and people with disabilities.

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