It’s Not A Waitlist: D.C. Plans New COVID-19 Vaccine Sign-Up For March

Sometimes it seems like it's harder to get a vaccine appointment than it is to get sold out concert tickets. Especially for those without high speed internet or those less familiar with the digital space, vying for a vaccine appointment can be extremely frustrating; by the time it takes to fill out all your information, the appointment slot could already be taken and often times, slots are released during the work day and immediately get filled. DC has implemented a different strategy of registration to help equalize the playing field a little, here are the highlights. Individuals would pre-register and the system would notify them when appointments are available using criteria that include zip code, pre-existing conditions, and when they pre-registered. Residents that have been notified will have 24 hours to register; if there are 3000 doses available that day, only 3000 residents will be notified. Call centers will be open past the workday hours to ensure that those who need help registering can receive it. These strategies can be scaled down to help equalize your vaccine distribution within your mobile clinic!